A few years ago I got a tour of the international product showroom at Whirlpool's headquarters in Benton Harbor, Michigan. Many of the washers, dryers and other devices were very different than what we're used to seeing here in the United States. I asked why some appliances were so decorative, and my host explained that in some countries washing machines are installed prominently where guests can see them, like in the center of the living room, to demonstrate the high status of the owner.
I always remembered that story as a quaint reminder of how advanced we Americans are, until I began seeing a little tagline like "Sent from my iPhone" on more and more emails, blog posts and Facebook updates. There are many versions of this "Sent from my " message, including ones for various Apple, Android and others (though Blackberry owners seem less inclined to boast these days.) The really cool messages are "Sent from my iPad2", and a few even include "4G" or "32 gig" so you won't confuse the sender's device with a less expensive model.
Reality is harder for some. As with platform shoes and cosmetic surgery, there's always the self-conscious Palm Pre user whose message says "Samsung Galaxy", sending email from darkened rooms to hide their shame.
No me. I will let my technology age gracefully, with dignity.
Sent from my dinged-up DROIDX.
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